Ontario, Canada April 26 to May 14, 2007
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 This IS the Right Way, This IS the Right Way, This IS the Right Way... Susan Hollingshead 2657
2 We Are Back!! Susan Hollingshead 3086
3 Settling Susan Hollingshead 2805
4 Birthdays and Family Susan Hollingshead 2769
5 Busy, Busy, Busy Susan Hollingshead 3099
6 A Big Day for Sam Susan Hollingshead 2842
7 The Tale of a Motorcycle and Two Motorsicles... Susan Hollingshead 2917
8 No Rest In Sight Susan Hollingshead 2779
9 A Techie Day Susan Hollingshead 2892
10 Strolling Down Memory Lane Susan Hollingshead 2703
11 Memory Lane Revisited Susan Hollingshead 2732
12 Tick, Tick, Tick Susan Hollingshead 2818
13 Down to Hours Susan Hollingshead 2780
14 Sparkles Susan Hollingshead 2845
15 Greening Susan Hollingshead 2862
16 Wedding Preparations Susan Hollingshead 2858
17 A Wedding Day Susan Hollingshead 3041
18 A Fine Mother's Day Susan Hollingshead 3136
19 Getting Ready to Go Susan Hollingshead 2701