Memory Lane Revisited |
Written by Susan Hollingshead | |||
Sunday, 06 May 2007 10:11 | |||
The weather here has improved albeit in small increments; the temperature peaked today at 15°C (59°F) but it remained sunny all day. Because of the sunny, slightly breezy day I decided to take advantage of my sister’s washing machine and outdoor clothesline. It has been a very long time since I have hung clothes on a line to dry them and so this was a treat. I washed some sweaters, cords, jackets and other things that needed to be freshened up. While my day was spent being a proverbial domestic engineer, Rick spent his day with Bill over at the McKerroll farm (Laura’s folk’s farm); helping to split wood and do some clean-up before next weekend. When we owned our stick and brick house, we heated it with an outdoor wood furnace. We had 100 acres of land with 45 acres of bush property and every spring, summer and fall Rick (and Jim before him) would go into our bush and cut wood for the winter. Once our boys were old enough they too were recruited to help and there were many weekends when “the men-folk” would disappear into the forest for 8 hours at a time. Harvesting the wood entailed cutting down trees in the spring and summer, dragging them to a clearing to chop and split them and then bringing the chopped wood to the house, stacking it for the winter. Rick and Paul (who was our next door neighbour) became fast friends and he too would join in the ritual. So today was another blast from the past, one Rick enjoyed immensely even though he came home late this afternoon a little tired. Between all the fresh air, the sunshine and the physical activity there is no question he’ll sleep soundly tonight. Today is Jamie, my “baby’s”, 28th birthday! Happy Birthday Jamie, the time has flown by quickly! One of the many wonderful things about being at Chris and Fred’s cottage last night was the fact that we were able to see a beautiful sunset. This is one of several pictures taken of it yesterday.