Ontario Side Trip November 15 - December 8, 2004
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 I'm Where I Need to Be 2523
2 Good News 2628
3 He's Home 2768
4 Learning 2509
5 I Wish 2565
6 A Day of Healing 2872
7 Lessons 2662
8 A Disease or A Gift? 2505
9 Meanwhile, Back in Vancouver.... 2465
10 Support 2783
11 My Role 2658
12 A Day Out 2534
13 Two Places 2627
14 Jay's Sense of Humour 2494
15 The Team 2764
16 The Staples Come Out 2548
17 Best Tools 2720
18 Mending 2634
19 More Lessons 2526
20 An Interesting Day 2488
21 Finding Normal 2374
22 Snow....aghhhhh! 2363
23 Heading Home 2555
24 Surprise! 2343