Monday, 15 August 2005 16:00 |
This is familiar territory to me and it is the first time I have slept in this part of the country in a very long time. My sister and I moved here in 1968 with our parents when Dad retired from the CAF and bought a country general store. At the time, it was a huge change for us having grown up on or near Armed Forces bases around the world with fellow Air Force offspring but we learned to adapt quite well. Christine met and married Fred Shaw, they built their house here in 1973, and she has been here ever since. My parents sold the store in 1972 but moved into the village of Coldwater for three years and then moved to London, Ontario while I moved to Toronto. I have visited here hundreds of times over the years and Rick and I owned a cottage on Gloucester Pool (we would drive through the area to reach the cottage) but I haven't slept here since Dad sold the store in '72.
Last night when we arrived, it was dark, late and we were exhausted from a long day so we simply pulled into the driveway, parked our motorhome and went to bed. This morning Rick and Fred unhitched our new trailer and went about the process of setting up the motorhome beside Fred's workshop. As I have said before we are fortunate to have family in the area, who can accommodate us and this site is as nice as any we have stayed in before. We again are fully hooked up and our neighbours are great!
Our day was spent running errands, doing laundry and grocery shopping. The trailer is better than we expected, extremely well built but needs to have the wood used to line it, sealed. We bought some urethane to do the job as well as some racks for hanging the ladders and bicycles. Over the next couple of weeks we will prepare it for our trek west, and I can't think of a better place to be until then.