Wednesday, 21 September 2005 16:00 |
Well, our travelling companions, Christine and Fred flew back to Ontario today. Their flight departed at 10:45 and we left the RV park at 8:00 AM, to be sure we would have them at the airport at least two hours before. Naturally, we had plenty of time so once we checked their bags in we stopped to have breakfast at the Milestones restaurant at the airport. Chris and Fred were flying home with WestJet, which like all airlines anymore, serves no meals and so a big breakfast was in order.
Later, after we said our goodbyes, Rick and I drove back to the motorhome and refilled some cupboards left empty after Christine packed last night. We had a coffee, then headed over to Karley's to baby-sit Makai and Spencer, a little fellow we looked after once before. His mom is a client of Karley's and in July when we were here, we looked after both babies while their mommies were busy. Here we are two plus months later and the two little boys have changed so much. They can both sit up unassisted, they can hold a toy and find it interesting for longer than a minute and they interact with each other more. It was a fun two hours and when our services were no longer needed; we went and ran some errands we have been putting off until our guests were gone.
After spending the last two and a half weeks with Christine and Fred, by dinnertime it was feeling empty here without them. I called them this evening to see how their flight was and Christine said it was great. The satellite TV available on WestJet, the cheerful attendants and the wide comfortable seats seemed to make the time go by much faster. They left here in sunshine and arrived in Ontario to rain, (a reverse of what one would expect) but both provinces are enjoying warm temperatures. We really enjoyed travelling with my sister Christine and her husband Fred and we are hoping that they will join us again soon.