Rolls |
Thursday, 06 October 2005 16:00 | |||
I'm not sure if it is just the season or this part of the country, but I am having difficulty finding clothes that are fashionable, age appropriate and comfortable. The big colour seems to be black, black and more black and all the tops are either tiny and tight or huge and baggy, nothing in between. I have a choice of frumpy and shapeless or so tight that my freckles appear lumpy. It seems the retailers aren't looking for money from anyone between the ages of 35 and 55 unless they are anorexic or grossly overweight and I am neither. The problem seems to be that the fashion industry is gearing their clothing to teenagers and 20-somethings or businesswomen with bags of money. Then there are the shops catering to large-size figures offering clothes with either no shape or in colours and designs that are not at all appealing.
Since I entered menopause, I have added an extra 10 pounds of weight (okay...fat) around my waist and it is much harder to lose that ever before. I am working on it, but it takes a lot more exercise and a lot less food than I am used to so, it is not leaving quickly. My jeans, Capri's and shorts still fit but now I have this added roll of fat sitting around my waist that I would like to "disguise" until it leaves because I am not comfortable displaying it. Hence, my quest for some new tops that will be loose enough to not cling to my "spare tire" yet still look fashionable and attractive. Unless I want to spend an exorbitant amount of money in the high-end shops, there is very little choice for someone like me and it is very discouraging. Today, Karley, Makai and I met my goddaughter, Alicia for a long overdue lunch at The Naam Restaurant in Kitsilano. Alicia is our friend's, Dolores and Michael Todd's, daughter and she is now attending college here in Vancouver. After a lunch and a great visit, Alicia was heading to Victoria and Karley and I went to the Lululemon Factory Outlet to continue my hunt for something to wear. I did find three tops, all loose fitting and comfortable and great for everyday wear. They may be a little sportier than I was looking for but hopefully they will help to cover-up my roll until I succeed in losing it for good.