Traveling...Again??? |
Written by Susan Hollingshead | |||
Friday, 02 November 2007 07:34 | |||
Wednesday was spent with Rick and I buzzing all over the lower mainland of British Columbia. Rick had an appointment downtown Vancouver at 8:00 for a blood test and I had an appointment in Langley at the salon where Karley works, to get my hair trimmed, followed by a manicure appointment. Rick joined us at noon for lunch followed by an appointment of his own. Then he and I stopped at the condo to gather up Sam, the cat, and head back downtown so we could get fitted with our new glasses and leave Sam with Jay. On our way back home we stopped in Burnaby so I could help one of my “Nerd” clients and finally shortly past 9:00 PM, we arrived back home to pack and sleep. Yesterday we spent traveling…actually, we were on our way to Ontario for 12 days however instead of venturing there by car or RV, we flew. Rick’s niece, Shallen is getting married on Saturday and his mom’s 90th birthday party is on the following Saturday, hence our 12 day visit. With luck, we will have an opportunity to visit with some friends and see some other family members as well. Though we had the opportunity to fly very inexpensively with Air Canada (thanks to Jamie), we made this trip on West Jet air miles. Before leaving on Thursday morning we drove my “ladybug” to Graphic Images to have the rest of the decals applied while we are away. When we return on the 12th, my little red Beetle will truly be a Nerdmobile, complete with spots and lettering ready for me to get down to business. From Graphic Images, we hailed a cab and rode to the airport without worrying about traffic or parking. After looking into other options, “cabbing” it to and from the airport was a much less expensive alternative than using a park and fly service. Once we are back we’ll use a cab to return us to the condo and we’ll pick up my car on the 13th. We were scheduled to arrive at Pearson Airport in Toronto just before 7:00 where we reserved a rental car for the duration of our stay. After an earlier than scheduled arrival, a swift and easy luggage pick-up and a quick car rental deal, Bill and Laura met us in Woodbridge for dinner before we made our way to Barrie where we are staying with Gayle and Graham (Rick’s sister and brother-in-law). This trip is a nice diversion and small break before we take over our car care business when we return to BC. I have lugged both my old computer and my new one with us with the hope that I will have an opportunity to complete the transition of my stuff from one to the other and then convert the old one to the new business computer. That should sate my computer appetite while I am away from my BC Nerd family! Last night after dinner, Bill, our amateur-but-should-be-professional photographer, took this picture of the four of us via timer. Due to poor lighting it’s a little blurry but here we are at Dave and Buster’s in Woodbridge.