Thursday, 23 September 2004 00:00 |
Today we decided that it was time to change our wardrobes from summer to winter so we cleaned out the inside cupboards and brought in our clothes from the outside storage. In the process, we sorted through all summer stuff, eliminating the things we never wore and did the same as we unpacked the winter attire. It was something we needed to do and we have managed to accumulate a lot of Goodwill donations. It felt a little like Christmas though because we found clothes stored that we had completely forgotten about. When you live in 300 square feet, you quickly discover just how little you really need to get by.
We then headed over to Karley and Ian's to check on the cats and the house. Sasha's transition from the motorhome to a large house has been a little challenging at times and it has disrupted Ian's cat, Mina, as well. However, we are discovering that the two cats seem to get along a lot better than they let on. After speaking with Ian's tenant we learned that she hears them running all over the house both night and day. When we arrived here today we found cushions in the living room and cutlery from the counter in the kitchen on the floors. It seems they have been having quite the "party" while they are on their own. Everyday they have devoured their food and drained the water bowl so I think they are thriving while their "parents" are away.
When Karley and Ian are home the cats act like they are archenemies so Ian has been giving Mina some extra attention to keep her nose from becoming "out of joint". Likewise Karley fusses over Sasha so both cats feel loved, however based on what we are seeing here this week, the cats get along quite well. It goes to show just how intelligent our pets really are, as they seem to be quite manipulative when they feel the need and are quite good at making their owners feel guilty. I think this much-needed holiday is wonderful for Karley and Ian and the change has been great for the cats, too!