Friday, 24 September 2004 00:00 |
Today we decided to venture into Abbotsford to attend an RV Show just for something to do. The weather is fabulous and we had intended to spend only a couple of hours there however we ended up staying longer than we planned. On our way back, we finally encountered some heavy traffic at rush hour but when you compare it to the 400 Northbound on a Friday afternoon from Toronto, it was minor. We decided to go down to Stanley Park to walk around and enjoy the sunshine. Afterwards we stopped in Yaletown to feast at Urban Thai one of our favourite eateries only a few steps away from where our condo will be standing in two and a half years from now. Karley and Ian are coming home tonight so our cat-sitting days are over, however we wanted to see them when they got home so after our meal we went to wait for them. It was nice to hear about their getaway and fill them in on the discoveries we had made while they were gone.
I also want to encourage everyone who reads this to go out and buy the book, "Tuesday's with Morrie " written by Mitch Albom. It was one of three books that Rick and I bought in Nanaimo and I couldn't tell you about it until I had read it first. If you aren't big on reading books, read this one anyway. It took me an afternoon, that's all, but it is one book I will read again and again simply for the lessons that I didn't even realize I was getting. You will cry but that's okay and you will also laugh and when you are done you will be filled with all kinds of questions and that's okay too. This is a book that makes anyone reading it do some serious soul searching and I only see that as a good thing. If every human on this earth did a little more soul searching perhaps our world would be a safer place for us all to live in. Tuesday's With Morrie will be added to the collection of books I have that I can honestly say have changed me in a positive way. MoreSeawall Pictures!