Written by Susan Hollingshead
Saturday, 23 September 2006 19:10 |
With sun shining a lake cruise was a perfect thing to do. Upper Waterton Lake is breathtaking.
The Goat Haunt Ranger station is there on the right.
The Goat Haunt Ranger Station sports both the Canadian flag and the US flag and was our "potty" break stop.
After several rainy, cold days it was worth sticking around to get this sunny one, if just for the pictures.
We were just overwhelmed with the spectacular views wherever we looked. Waterton Lakes Park is certainly worth revisiting.
What a spectacular place for such a regal hotel!
This was the road to Cameron Lake which we visited earlier in the week. From today's pic's you can
understand why we waited for the sun.
Last Updated on Thursday, 10 May 2007 19:37 |