Tuesday, 10 May 2005 16:00 |
In six days, Karley and Makai will be arriving in Ontario to spend three weeks with us and we can hardly wait. Both Rick and I have a picture of Makai as the background on each of our computers and when we look at either of them, we can't help but smile. Since we saw him last in early March, our wee grandson has grown a lot, found his hands, learned to giggle and is showing signs of his first tooth. I suppose you can tell we are a little excited simply by all the pictures of him that I post almost daily. Karley and I either "chat" via MSN messenger daily or on the phone so that we are up to date on all the details needed to make their stay as seamless as possible.
Today, I spent the afternoon cooking in preparation for a dinner we were hosting for Gayle, Graham and Rosanne. In actuality, the dinner was served in the Allen's motorhome because unfortunately Gayle is terribly allergic to Sam the cat and she can't spend anytime in ours without getting wheezy. The purpose of our dinner was so that Gayle, Graham and Rick could experience a healing with Rosanne and her new guide "Althea".
I could write paragraphs about our evening but rather than do that, I will tell you simply that it was extremely powerful and the changes in Rosanne's "talent" are awesome. I find that I cannot get enough of her energy and being present while she performs a healing allows me to witness her growth. Not only does the recipient of her treatment benefit, but for me it's as if I was a train that had fallen of its track and I am now put back on my path and I love it!