Tuesday, 24 May 2005 16:00 |
When I am here alone, writing is much, much easier as I have recently found out. If I haven't had much happening in my day, often when I am in the shower, all kinds of ideas pop in my head. Sometimes, entire stories flow through my head and I have to sit at my computer and write them down while they are still fresh. Since Karley and Makai have arrived, those "alone" moments have all but disappeared and so my daily writings are more and more difficult to post. I am also trying to veer away from the daily rantings about my wonderful grandson but while he is here, it is difficult to think of anything else.
I remember seeing other grandparents boring everyone around them with tales and pictures of their grandchildren and to my horror; I realize I have become one of them. So I will try to get back to other things that cross my mind or my path but please forgive me if I veer back to Makai, now and again.
We are nearing the end of May and already I am aware of how fast the time is going by. In the time we have been here, I had planned to spend much more time with my friend Rosanne, but so far we have only managed a weekly visit. I hope to be writing in more detail about some of the things we are experiencing when we get together but for now I just keep notes which I will compile at a later date. Yesterday, we got together for a meditation and later I had Rosanne do something with my shoulder, as an experiment. I can tell you quite confidently that there are some very interesting things happening with Althea, her new guide. Stay tuned for more developments!