Monday, 06 June 2005 16:00 |
Last year, while we were staying in Metchosin near Victoria, BC we purchased a new car after debating about what to do for almost six months. There was nothing wrong with our Jetta other than the fact that the seats were very uncomfortable for the two of us on long drives and it was too small whenever we had visitors. When we decided to buy a car in BC, we had no idea how difficult it would be with the registration and insurance there but other than driving back then to Ontario we had no choice.
Now, a year later, we are back in Ontario and we want to register our car here. Our motorhome is registered here, our mailing address is here (at least for now) and we still own real estate here. Unfortunately, we have to go through all the hassles here that we went through in BC, with the exception of the insurance because instead of dealing with a government-run institution, ICBC, we are using our long-time broker friend, Nancy Biggart.
Today, I spent the day getting the necessary paperwork together to register the car in Ontario. Even though the car is not quite a year old we have to have it certified and emission tested before it can be registered and because we have BC driver's licences, we will have to have them changed too. At least for the next couple of years, we would like to maintain our Ontario residency and keeping our vehicles registered here is just one of the many steps we need to take. When we do make the final move to BC, we will go through all of this again but for now we are simply "mobile" Ontarian's and proud of it!