Tuesday, 07 June 2005 16:00 |
Like all humans, I shed hair everyday. However, I seem to shed it in bulk and I am forever gathering up nests of blonde hair throughout the motorhome, which drives Rick (my clean-freak husband) crazy. I don't seem to be going bald, as it remains as thick as ever but because it is longer, it is more noticeable. When my hair was short, I had it bleached almost white and then there was no way to tell who it was coming from, Rick or me but the 5 inch ringlets are a little more obvious!
Karley has long brown hair and like her mother, she too sheds her hair. When she was pregnant, every hair stayed on her head but since giving birth she is losing her thick hair rapidly. On Monday, I spent the day vacuuming and cleaning the motorhome eliminating both her locks and mine and it was an all day event. Even so, now two days later I am still finding the odd long brown hair that somehow managed to avoid the suction of the vacuum.
The hair I am having the most fun with though is Makai's teddy bear's hair. His Nana MacLachlan knit him a fluffy, purple teddy bear and he received it when he was only two days old. Unfortunately, it has become the necessary accessory when Makai sucks his thumb and "Bear" is shedding profusely. In fact at the rate that Bear is going he will be completely bald within the next few months so Karley is trying to get Makai used to an alternate accessory before Bear disappears altogether. In the meantime, I am finding "Bear Hair" in every nook and cranny and on every article of clothing here and everytime I come across it, a get a warm funny feeling inside. Both Rick and I am missing the bear's owner and each time we find "Bear hair" it brings Makai a little closer.