Thursday, 09 June 2005 16:00 |
Last night, Rick and I drove up to Grandview Lodge to see Don Brooker, a friend and one of the owners there. Driving in the 4.5 Km winding road reminded me of how much I hated that drive and how grateful I am not to have to do it with regularity anymore. We arrived there just as the sun was beginning to set and it gave me the opportunity to experience the beauty that I was always too busy to enjoy when we owned the lodge.
This morning while riding along the Lightfoot Trail, I was alone which allowed me time with my thoughts. Even though there were plenty of other recreation enthusiasts enjoying the trail, there were none near me and other than an occasional greeting, it was a pretty solitary ride. I thought about my dad, who while he was still alive before his first stroke would ride his bicycle daily. Dad had a pair of saddlebags on the back of his bicycle and being from Coldwater would either ride along the back roads of the former Matchedash Township or out near the Bonaire Golf Course. Being an avid bargain hunter he would get great pleasure riding along the golf course's perimeter collecting wayward golf balls and filling his saddlebags with these free finds. (When we moved my folks from their house, Fred (my brother-in-law) and Jay and Jamie enjoyed sharing the two five-gallon pails of golf balls.)
I thought of how Dad would have enjoyed this trail, which leads along much of the Lake Couchiching waterfront, despite the lack of freebies. As I rode back towards home, I rode along the shoreline at Tudhope Park and the several families of ducks reminded me of where we were parked at this time last year. I thought to myself how Orillia really is a beautiful city that has a lot to offer both its residents and the tourists who frequent the area and I am happy to be here right now. If we could only find a way to eliminate the bugs, humidity and snow, it could be a great place to stay year round!