Sunday, 10 July 2005 00:00 |
Last summer we spent the months of June and July in Metchosin, just outside of Victoria. The weather there was perfect and we enjoyed dry warm weather right through to September when we finally saw our first rain in over three months. I would follow the weather in Ontario and here they were experiencing a repeat of the summer of '92, wet with cooler than normal temperatures. Well, this year the weather pattern seems to be reversed because it has been cooler than normal in BC while Ontario has been enveloped in a dry, warm climate, quite ideal for visitors. We could do without the humidity but we certainly like the warmth and sunshine!
Lately, I have been paying close attention to the forecast out west because next week we are flying to Vancouver to spend a few days with Karley, Ian and Makai before we embark on an Alaskan cruise. According to the forecast, it seems the warmer weather is finally moving in, just in time for our arrival and we couldn't be happier. Methinks Alaska may be cooler but we hear the beauty there will make up for the lack of degrees! At any rate, the whole trip will be a great experience as neither Rick or I have been on a cruise before and we have both wanted to go to Alaska.
Last spring, when Helen was visiting with us she discussed her desire to take a cruise to Alaska someday and we agreed that we would go with her when that day came. Well it is arriving on July 17th and Helen, along with her sister Mary, will be joining us on our adventure. It seems that Helen is a veteran "Cruiser" as she has been on several cruises, mostly in the Caribbean, so she can acquaint us to the procedure. They fly in to Vancouver early next Sunday morning so they will have time to visit with Karley, Ian and Makai before we board the ship. Here is Makai, admiring his very prominent lower front teeth!