Wednesday, 31 August 2005 16:00 |
A few days ago, I received an email from a gentleman, Mike, who had stumbled across our website. He is the Webmaster of, a terrific site loaded with just that; resources covering everything you need pertaining to the RV world. Long story short, we are the RVer's featured for the month of September so be sure to check it out.
Today Rosanne and I had a lunch date with our friends, Arie and Douwina Maas at their new home in Barrie. Arie, like Rosanne, is a spiritual healer and Douwina, his beautiful wife has many of her own gifts; one evidently is cooking. While they both shared with us many things about their spiritual growth, we also enjoyed a wonderful lunch, "Dutch style", a feast fit for royalty. They run a business offering courses and spiritual guidance, among other services and can be reached at The Centre of Light.
Rick picked me up while Rosanne stayed with Arie and Douwina to learn more and we went to Angie's house to help with a few things and say goodbye to her. When we downsized in 2003, we gave Angie one of our desktop computers and she has been using it ever since. However, after a year and a half with other people using it as well, it was loaded with spy ware and numerous other bugs. Because Angie is a nurse employed at two hospitals and two agencies (hmmm, is she a workaholic?) she has little time to maintain her computer. Hence, it was a mess but after almost 10 hours of downloading and debugging, we have it running a lot better and it is now more usable. We managed to go out for a farewell dinner between the downloading and when we left her house, it was after midnight. We are hoping that Angie will be out to visit us sometime in the next few months so we said our goodbyes with that in mind. With only three days to go before we depart, today we were able to say our goodbyes to some more of the friends and family on our list.