Written by Susan Hollingshead
Sunday, 09 December 2007 12:49 |
Finally after two weeks and a lot of time wasting we have high speed Internet at the shop! Since we became vagabonds, we have learned to use the Internet as the powerful tool that it is; for research, to locate people and places and to keep in touch with friends and family. Since buying AllCare we have come to know how much we really need the World Wide Web to run a business successfully. We have started a webpage, though it’s not quite ready for the public yet; I am already sending invoices via email to one of our customers and soon I hope to have them all “online”.
Last week Rick and Gary, one of our employees, started renovating the office area which is way too big considering how small the waiting room is. We are trying to proportion things more evenly by enlarging the entrance/waiting room area, adding a small lunch room, removing a useless closet, changing a window and adding a windowed door into the office. By Friday night there was a new entrance from the garage into the office-soon-to-be lunchroom and the door from the waiting room to the office became a wall. I was surprised at how quickly the guys were able to accomplish the work and I am getting excited to see the finished product.
This week my Nerding was still minimal however I did manage to see two clients yesterday and I have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday. Today, Rick and I went to the office and while he worked some more on the waiting room reception area I worked on the new webpage which may quite possibly be live as early as tomorrow! It is approaching 8:00 PM and the reception area has undergone a major transformation. My hubby is working wonders!! Here is another shot of the shop. Once the inside is finished I will add a picture of it too!