Written by Susan Hollingshead
Sunday, 18 November 2007 15:36 |
After way more than a week, I figured it was time I got busy and updated you with what we have been up to. We left Barrie, Ontario last Monday afternoon and flew out of Toronto shortly after 6:00 PM that evening. On our trek east, I managed to pick up a slight cold which I had successfully managed to keep at bay for most of our visit but by Monday it was settled nicely into my throat. About half way back to BC, my voice made an abrupt departure and I could communicate for the next three days with barely a whisper. Needless to mention, I couldn’t make phone calls which completely hindered my ability to get busy with Nerds or anything else for that matter. Of course Rick was the envy of the "manworld", having a silent wife!!!
We both arrived back with our bodies on Ontario time and on Tuesday morning we were wide awake at 4:00 AM ready to start our day. Even now, five days later we are just getting adjusted to the Pacific time zone and I am still struggling to sleep past 5:00. On Tuesday, voiceless as I was, we picked up my newly lettered Nerdmobile and then finalized a few more details in order to takeover the AllCare Automobile Protection Centre tomorrow.
Rick spent most of his week with Dan, AllCare’s current owner, learning more of the business while I remained at home resting my throat. By Thursday I was finally able to speak, albeit in a raspy voice but at least I could be heard. Tomorrow will be a busy day, completing paperwork and taking over the reins of AllCare. Our plan is for me to join Rick at the shop each morning and then spend my afternoons being a Nerd. Here is a pic of my lettered and dotted lady Beetle complete with eyelashes! (The things I do for my grandchildren!!)