Okay So Here Goes........ PDF Print E-mail
Written by Susan Hollingshead   
Tuesday, 21 August 2007 02:37
aug 21-07.jpg…..wearesellingthemotorhomeandhaveboughtacarcarebusiness

Yes, you read that right or did you? We said when we started this lifestyle that we would do it for at least 5 years and that was our intention. We love traveling around Canada and the US, seeing some amazing sights and meeting some wonderful people. We have had some incredible experiences, all unique and priceless.

We took delivery of our Moho in May of 2003 and technically have lived in it since July of the same year. Our first official day of living “on the road” began on December 28th, 2003 therefore we are approaching our fifth year of ownership and we are in our fourth year of traveling. We have been talking about what we will do next and the thought of going out and getting “jobs” was a scary option. Recently I was browsing the internet for businesses for sale and two and a half weeks ago one just came across our path that seemed so tailor-made for us. I contacted the listing agent only to discover that there was already an accepted offer on it but he kept my contact info in the event that it fell through. Five days later he called me back.

I am a believer of the philosophy that everything happens for a reason and in this case, everything seems to be unfolding in perfect synchronicity. The timing may not be perfect because we hadn’t reached our five year goal yet, however everything else is, so our roving lifestyle is coming to an end. We are selling the motorhome, have purchased a second condo, five minutes from the business (Jay is renting our downtown location) and we will be changing our permanent address once again soon. We get the new condo on September 17th and close the deal on the business on November 30th. Are we happy? You bet… in fact we are ecstatic. Best of all we will be around to watch our favourite little people grow up!

Oh and one more thing…Happy Birthday to my big sister Christine. I love you! More info to come!