Written by Susan Hollingshead
Wednesday, 23 May 2007 07:49 |
Long ago, when we first toured the Travel Supreme factory, before we ordered our Moho, Travel Supremes were built with white screen doors. After our visit, we were so blown away with the quality of these rigs that we ordered one; a Select, (Select at the time was the top of the line Travel Supreme) customizing it completely for our needs. After we took possession of our Moho we had to return to the factory for some alterations that were required. On that visit we met another couple, also Select model owners, who told us how they wanted a black screen door but were told only white ones were available. Well that day, we all went for an owner’s factory tour and discovered that Travel Supreme was now offering black doors in their rigs! As much as we wanted to have a black screen door it just wasn’t worth the hassle and cost to change it so for four years we have lived with our white one.
In our door, like all Travel Supreme doors from 2001 up to 2005, there was a design flaw which equated to an ill-fitting door that could be very noisy while driving down the highway. The screen door also required some improvements and the entry latch on both doors was flimsy. We added extra weather stripping that made our door better than some but it was never perfect.
On Thursday we went on another owner’s factory tour and we learned that Travel Supreme was now using a different, heavier door with a hydraulic seal and a way better entry latch. The good news was that it could be retro-fitted to our rig and….it was black! The bad news was that they didn’t have time to install a new door on this service appointment! With all the body work that we were having done, now (this visit), was the time to install a door especially because the Moho was going to the paint shop anyway. The body work was taking longer to do so our argument was that they should try to install a new door while we were here.
On Monday we learned that someone didn’t show up for their appointment which meant that maybe, (just maybe) they might be able to install a new door on our rig. Yesterday we learned that the service crew was going to install a new door and today they have. It still has to be painted, have the window installed and the upholstery on the inside done, but we now have a much superior, heavier door and it is even black too! I am very excited!