Monday, 01 March 2004 00:00 |
Rick has learned the art of sleeping in lately and by that I mean he sleeps later than me. Sleeping in for us means we sleep until 8:00, possibly 8:30 however I used to be the last one to wake up and he used to be up by 6:00. Now I wake up at 4:00 and sleeping in for me is 7:00 AM (even with the time change). He's also learned how to stay up late, a real accomplishment and proof that this new lifestyle agrees with him.
Another thing that has changed is that Rick is becoming very comfortable with surfing the Internet and emailing friends and family. Until we started on our journey in the motorhome, he rarely went online and never emailed anyone. Now he researches areas that we are interested in, contacts parts dealers or RV suppliers and finds and reserves campsites. For anyone interested in reaching him directly on his computer, you can reach him through the "contact us" link on the left.
Today the mercury reached 21C (70F) so we hung out here at the campground and I worked on the floor while Rick polished the wheels. The sun was intermittent but it was a good day to spend here, cleaning. Tomorrow we hit the road again and have reservations at a campground in Biloxi for 2 nights. It is only about four hours from here so we can take our time getting up and just maybe I will sleep in too! 