Coincidence? PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 28 June 2004 00:00
On Saturday while we were at Salt Spring Market there was one booth, Treasured Spirit Readings by Susan Cassidy that piqued my interest. This gifted psychic was offering to do 15-minute readings for $20, she had some time and I liked her name so I thought I'd hear what she had to say. Interestingly, everything she said was very accurate and she also told me that some "courses" would come my way that I should consider. I have been attempting to find a couple of courses that would facilitate my spiritual growth but to date have found nothing suitable.
This morning after my restless night, I woke up to find three interesting emails in my mailbox. The first one was from Rachel, Jay's girlfriend informing me of their new address and phone number. The second one was from our RVing "cyber" friend Joanne, who we have "met" on the phone and via the Internet but not in person. She is a single, female, part-timer who we stayed in touch with over the winter in the hope that we would meet up with her somewhere. I had just looked her name up yesterday afternoon with the plan to write to her this week just to say hi. It was a pleasant surprise to have her email greet me this morning.
The third email came from Nancy, another "cyber" friend who stumbled across our web site in the winter. She is another person I have thought of recently and she wrote because she had some timely suggestions for my writing. It turns out she is a published writer herself armed with all kinds of helpful recommendations and the link to a writing course that she had taken when she was pursuing her desire to become published. Needless to say, after looking into her suggestions, I have enrolled in the course myself. Yes, I love the Internet!
PS: And I don't believe in coincidences!