Friday, 02 July 2004 00:00 |
It is a rare night that I actually sleep for six hours undisturbed. I usually wake up through the night either because I am experiencing the lovely menopausal "night sweats" or I have to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I just wake up with ideas swimming in my head and always around 3:00AM. On the odd occasion when I sleep until 5:00AM, I then lay in bed and procrastinate whether I should just get up then or try to go back to sleep. Depending on how brilliant my ideas are or how nice the day appears will determine whether I actually get up or not. Sometimes, if I procrastinate long enough I will fall back asleep but then I don't wake up until 8:00 AM or later. If I do that, by the time I workout, eat breakfast and shower, my day doesn't get going until close to 11:00 AM which seems so wasteful.
When I get up at 5:00 AM, I enjoy the quietness and I can watch the activities on the pond behind us. This morning was one of those mornings and I watched all the resident ducks swim from one end to the other, like they were in a race and there are close to forty in all. The babies are now so large that all of the ducks seem to be the same age. The two families I wrote about before have intermingled with all the other ducks on the pond and are indistinguishable from them. I saw the sun rise over the ocean, casting its radiance on the pond as well. There is a resident blue heron that often hangs out at the far end of the pond but this morning spent the morning fishing here. I watched him as he slinked ever so slowly, patiently waiting for just the right moment to capture his breakfast. There are a pair of robins who hang out at the end of the motorhome because at night the sprinkler comes on there, making it an ideal earthworm retreat.
Yes, it is certainly worth the effort to get up so early and now my day is well underway and it is only 7:30 AM. I'll try to do this more often!