A New Year and Baby Has A Name! Print
Saturday, 01 January 2005 00:00

Happy New Year to everyone! Our wish is for all of you to have a peaceful and prosperous 2005 and may all of your prayers be answered and your dreams come true. We are starting the New Year and finally our grandson has been named. It is official...his name is Makai James MacLachlan and it suits him perfectly.

Today we enjoyed sleeping in and later Rick continued to integrate the new DVD recorder with our current video surround sound system. It has been a long and arduous process but as I type this, he is finally putting everything back together. Modern technology is such fun! Hopefully now we will be able to record Makai's growth, cries, facial expressions and smiles from the video camera to a DVD for the enjoyment of the great grandmother's, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends in Ontario.

This evening we went over to visit with the new family. We only missed one day and can already see the difference in Makai's appearance. At only five days old, it is obvious that Karley is able to provide him with lots of nutrients as he has started to gain weight on his legs and around his face. He is feeding well and filling his diapers very regularly and has already managed to pee on Ian several times while he was being changed. In such a short time both parents and baby have adjusted to each other and they seem like they have been a family forever. If this is any indication, 2005 will be an amazing year!