Monday, 25 July 2005 16:00 |
Well, tomorrow we fly back to Eastern Time, back to our cat, Sam, and back to the humidity of summer in Ontario. It is very strange to be anywhere without our "home" on wheels, without our bed and without full access to all our things. We have enjoyed our "holiday" but we miss our mobile house and our life in it.
Today, the weather here in Vancouver couldn't be better if we had ordered it from Mother Nature ourselves; it was sunny and warm with zero humidity and a perfect day to spend with Karley and Makai. As most of you know, Karley is our hairdresser and the first order of the day was to have our hair trimmed and styled so we can return to Ontario looking refreshed and know that when we return here in September, we will be due for another one. After we were finished, Rick installed Makai's really early birthday present in the car, a portable DVD player. (His birthday isn't until December!) At his age and size, the little guy faces backwards and boredom can be a real hazard so the thought is, that the DVD player will be a pleasant distraction for him when Karley is driving. Next week the family will be going on a road trip to the Okanogan so it will be quite useful then and being portable, it can be used at home as well.
This afternoon, we went to the beach in Kitsilano to spend some time outdoors and enjoy the weather before checking in to the Delta Airport Hotel. We have to be at the airport very early and it would be too much to drive from Ian and Karley's home so early in the morning. We enjoyed our last summer afternoon in Vancouver especially knowing we will be driving back in six weeks via motorhome. The way Makai is growing, he will have changed a lot by then and he will have to get to know us all over again. We had a terrific holiday and today was the perfect way to end it. Ciao for now Vancouver!