Sunday, 28 August 2005 16:00 |
Today, like many other folks, I watched CNN as they reported about the effects of the hurricane, Katrina, currently bombarding the coastal regions of the states of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. Just last year, Rick and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit there and it saddened me to see what the residents were presently going through. I thought of how frightening it must be for them and I hoped that they would find the strength to get through what will certainly be a disaster for many of them. There is no sure way to predict what direction the hurricane will take, so I could only hope that the folks there would somehow stay safe.
This afternoon, I met my sister in Orillia for a meeting with the nursing director at Victoria House where Mom lives. Until her back mends, (as well as it can) she will require some additional care and we needed to discuss her options and set up an account for some needed equipment. I could only imagine what life must be like for the elderly and frail in the path of Hurricane Katrina and how fortunate we were that Mom was here in Ontario. I also thought, seeing my mother, so helpless, tiny and frail of the importance of keeping myself healthy and fit so that I don't end up in her place someday.
I think we all go through life taking it for granted and not appreciating the value of good health and calm weather. It is days like this when we see how others suffer that we are reminded of how lucky we truly are and today, none of it was lost on me. I was reminded of a quote I read recently, "I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."