Thursday, 08 September 2005 16:00 |
Yup, the prairies are flat, flat, flat and the scenery consists of one field after another. This morning when we left Whitewood, the sky was clear and the forecast was again calling for sunny skies and warm temperatures...there. As we headed west on the Trans-Canada Highway, the clouds slowly moved in and it was apparent that we were finally going to see some restless weather. However, when we stopped in Regina to pick up some groceries and explore the local Costco store, the air was still quite warm.
We later stopped a little farther along the highway to fill up with fuel and to get some lunch, delaying our arrival in Medicine Hat, Alberta at the Gas City Campground until 5:00 PM. Last night in Whitewood, while we were sleeping we discovered that we were parked practically next door to a very busy railroad track, a genuine "rude awakening". Tonight we can see the railroad tracks in the distance, along with the highway, so I am sure we will all sleep much better. However, there are plenty of trees so both the Internet and TV satellite dishes are out of commission and while Rick and Fred were cleaning the windshield, Christine and I prepared dinner.
The sky is overcast and the overnight low is supposed to be around 7C, quite a contrast for us. The furnace will be working overtime tonight and if the forecast is accurate tomorrow isn't supposed to be any better. We have some sight seeing to do over the next few days and as long as the rain remains elusive, we will be just fine. I suppose we will just have to put up with the cool weather for a while or until we arrive in Vancouver and in the meantime, we will make the most of it.