It Is Officially Official Print
Written by Susan Hollingshead   
Tuesday, 26 June 2007 13:31
june 27-07.jpgToday we crossed that last hurdle for completing our BC residency; the Moho, the last of our licensed vehicles, now has BC plates too. At the crack of dawn we had to get up and pack up the Moho to take it to a service centre in Abbotsford to have it safety checked for licensing. We then scurried back to help Karley with the kiddies during Day 2 of the potty training of Makai.

Mr. Pee-body, as Rick affectionately calls him went through several pairs of “big boy underpants” yesterday but today was doing much better. Karley has the patience of a saint, I’d be ripping my hair out by now, and Makai is certainly enjoying the one on one attention he is getting from her. Fortunately with Granni, Grampa and Kathy (Karley’s nanny) around to mind Monet and cook supper things are still running smoothly.

My brain does not remember clearly potty training from 27 or so years ago, but back in those “olden” days we did things a lot differently. There was the backyard bragging “Well MY child was potty trained at 20 months, well mine was trained at 17 months, yada, yada, yada” and I think that form of vanity still exists, but now there is a whole new set of rules. What I do recall is that little girls seemed easier and quicker to train than little boys and my children were all using the bathroom before they turned three. We didn’t worry if they were still in diapers at age 2 because when they were ready…they were ready and they let you know it. Of course we had no internet back then, or a bjillion “child experts” to tell us that our kids would be scarred for life if they were still in diapers past age two. Gosh if I’d only known maybe my kids might have become brain surgeons or mathematicians instead. Wink Surprisingly, despite my ignorance they are pretty darned good adults and they even know how to use the bathroom all by themselves! Laughing