Thursday, 09 September 2004 00:00 |
Today the forecast was calling for a sunny day so we decided we would do some beach exploring. We drove south along the coast to Chesterman Beach Road and drove down the road until we found several parking lots with beach access. We wandered along a wide path surrounded by huge deciduous trees until we came out on the beach of Cox Bay, another fabulous beach where we walked out to an island that would be inaccessible when the tide was in. In the distance we could see Wickaninnish Lodge, a five star resort, on the adjacent Chesterman Beach. The nice thing about all the beaches we have discovered so far is that they all offer great walking opportunities with different views of the coastline.
We ventured back to the campground to relax and read before dinner, and then walked our beach again after dinner, this time during the sunset, which you'll see on the next page. There were people everywhere doing the exact same thing and once again we felt so lucky for being here.
For the first time since we started this life, we decided to have a campfire and after watching Canadian Idol, we enjoyed sitting outside warming by a fire. No marshmallows, unfortunately, but a clear, starry night and the wonderful aroma of burning cedar logs were a nice change. A lot of the campgrounds we have been at haven't had fire facilities and with the drought this summer, there was a ban on them at the campgrounds that did. It was another day in paradise!