Saturday, 11 September 2004 00:00 |
We woke up this morning to the roar of the waves crashing into shore, much louder than what we have been used to. We got dressed and headed to the beach to see huge breakers along with clumps of seaweed everywhere. We decided to drive over to Long Beach to see the waves on a grander scale and we also wanted to go for a longer walk.
The surf on Long Beach, which went on forever, and the hundreds of mounds of seaweed resembled what I could only imagine to be a giant's entrails. Due to the many riptides at Long Beach and the ferocity of the waves, there were no surfers today so the beach was almost completely deserted and we walked for several kilometres enjoying the solitude, the sand and the surf. We returned to the car just as the rain started to fall so we headed back to the campground.
After we spent the afternoon cleaning the motorhome, a task we had neglected for a while, we headed into Tofino to meet some friends who are in the area. Peter and Martina Kluchert are the parents of a past employee (now friend) of ours, Martin aka Mort, from our ownership of Grandview Lodge. Martina had plugged into the website and discovered that we would be here at the same time that they were here visiting with their friends from Victoria. The last time we had seen the Kluchert's was at Mort and Lisa's wedding over a year ago and we were excited to see them again. The six of us met at one of the many eateries, the Raincoast Café, where we enjoyed a delicious, gourmet dinner of local seafood. We had a wonderful reunion and made arrangements for them to come by the motorhome for a visit on their way back to Victoria on Sunday. We'd had another great day!