Friday, 18 March 2005 16:00 |
Yesterday, the skies were overcast with an expected high of 19C and Rick wanted to take some time to clean and polish the motorhome. The drive along the coast had left a salty film on it and even though at first glance it looked fine, on closer inspection the caustic coating was evident. But first we enjoyed a long swim in the pool and then we soaked in the hot tub. While Rick worked outside, I reorganized cupboards and made a shopping list inside and by lunchtime, he had finished cleaning one side of the coach. In the afternoon, we decided to get acquainted with our desert neighbourhood and do a little grocery shopping.
Today, the weather was a little better but very cloudy and Rick spent a good part of the day finishing the cleaning job he started yesterday. I did some housecleaning on my computer, backing up some files and copying all my pictures onto discs. I also went online to find and make reservations at an RV park at our next destination, El Centro, CA on the Mexican border for next week when we leave here. By the time Rick was finished, it was late in the afternoon, but we managed to go for a drive into the Coachella Valley Preserve near here, to the 1000 Palm Oasis. There we found an oasis complete with a pond that is fed year round by water seeping out of the San Andreas Fault.
Yes, we are near the San Andreas Fault and according to one of the residents I spoke with in the RV park, tremors are felt pretty regularly here. In fact, in the hour that I was writing this, two minor earthquakes could be felt, just small vibrations, but evidence of the earth's unrest. With the motorhome cleaning behind us, we can spend the next few days exploring the area around here with its many attractions. The forecast for the next few days is calling for sunshine and moderate temperatures, which should be ideal for the task.